The Australian College of Equine Podiotherapy
College News: December 2020
2020…..the year most of us would like to say good bye to.
To me 2020 has been a year of reflection, change and learning. At home and at work.
Covid 19 forced change upon us. We started the year with a great intake of 14 keen and willing students. The have all been amazing and have done their best adapting to the new situation forced upon us. We had to cancel the second block and when Melbourne and borders were still shut down, have needed to reschedule the third block also. This forced us to change and adapt to this thing called ‘online learning’ (how can you do that successfully with such a practical hands on course!). None of us here were familiar with making presentations online or this thing we have now become accustomed to ‘Zoom’ (ohhh if only I had shares in Zoom prior to Covid!). In our true Aussie battler spirit, determined to push on we got to work (with some help) and have delivered many of our lectures online and have completed ‘Zoom’ classes. I would not say we have mastered ‘it’ however I believe we have learnt (and continuing to learn) and are starting to get ‘the hang of it’. Students have been learning and completing assessments via remote and online learning.
Block 3 has been moved to February, which brings me to the 2021 Course. Unsure of if we were even able to go ahead, we held off taking enrolments until Melbourne was let out of ‘jail’ and borders between the states started to open.
With only WA to go we are hopeful that by our new start date of March 18th we should be able to accommodate all interstate travellers. We are completing ‘pre enrolment’ interviews at present and it looks like we may have a full intake for 2021! If you are interested in joining us in 2021 then please do not hesitate to get in contact with us, so you don’t miss out!
Congratulations to Debbie Reid whom, somehow managed to graduate in 2020 amidst all the drama.
Our RTO has given generous extensions to all our 2019 students, that were unable to complete or start Case studies due to Covid lockdowns. Hopefully, they have all now managed to kick back off into completing them. Our RTO Alexandra Community Hub have been very helpful in supporting us during this messed up year.
With our course re-accreditation due at the end of the year, we look forward to making some changes. With more hoof care specific units of competency now available we look forward to making the course even better then before! Units such as OHS and Horse handling will be more hoof care specific. As the industry grows, it is important that we too grow, adapt and change along with it. As at the end of the day we are all in it for the ‘horse’. And as the saying goes, ‘no hoof – no horse’! The more knowledgeable and experienced hoof trimmers we can put out there the better. The course 22290VIC Diploma of Equine Podiotherapy is unique from other courses due to the information learnt, studied and the hours the students are required to ‘put in’. We delve deep into not only the form and function of the hoof, but the horse in its entirety. A whole horse ‘holistic’ approach is needed to ensure the health and longevity of the horse. We make students ‘work ready’ through many practical sessions, assessments, case studies and give them the skills they need to run a successful hoof care business.
If you are interested in finding out more about or completing the Diploma, then please email us on or call us on 03 5773 4358. Our current office hours are Tuesday and Thursdays 8.30am – 3.30pm. Registration and information at
In reflection:
The drought has broken! We have too much grass (ponies locked up and cattle too expensive to buy).
There is hay in the shed. (can never complain about getting your hay in, particularly without the rush to get it in before it rains!)
Lockdown has given me time to reflect, be quiet and enjoy the little things. I have felt blessed to be living in the country with only 1 child to home school. I have learnt to be patient and take time with my child. To sit with him and encourage and help him through home schooling (it certainly didn’t start out this way!). It has brought many of us closer together as we share experiences, encourage, and praise each other, albeit from a distance of over 1.5m!
Overall, it has taught me to be grateful. Grateful for what I have and for life itself.
We look forward to having the students back in 2021 and starting a new intake. Welcome to 2021 and thank you for your patience and understanding during this year of reflection, change and learning.
College Administration