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Laminitis Text Book – The Pony That Did Not Die


See Rocky’s Success Story and read how Linda found this book invaluable in the rehabilitation of her 22 year old Warmblood.
Equine patients with serious laminitis are routinely euthanased because the ‘disease’ has traditionally been considered incurable. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Laminitic horses can be healed.


This book shows how a fundamental shift in the way laminitic hooves are managed can possibly rectify even the most serious cases; a shift away from traditional treatment with corrective shoeing to ‘barefoot’ rehabilitation.

This book puts into layman’s language the mechanical processes at play in laminitic hooves and shows not only how to stop the damage from getting worse, but also how to restore structural soundness.

A comprehensive, step by step action plan to combat laminitic episodes is included and is supported by actual case studies that show how to solve a broad range of different laminitic scenarios.

Packed with easy to read information and over 400 colour photos, this ground breaking text is not just for owners of laminitic horses, but it is a vital read for all horse owners; a reference to be kept within reach. You can learn how to prevent laminitis but also what to do if your horse succumbs to this insidious disease.