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Bare Hoof Care booklet – (bulk prices available)
Bare Hoof Care Functional hooves for lifelong soundness, this is our second edition. Written by Nicky and Andrew Bowe. Completely revised, updated and greatly expanded. If you own a horse, you own its hooves! If you own a horse, you own its hooves!

Laminitis Text Book – The Pony That Did Not Die – USB or Downloadable Digital Edition
See Rocky's Success Story and read how Linda found this book invaluable in the rehabilitation of her 22 year old Warmblood.
Equine patients with serious laminitis are routinely euthanased because the ‘disease’ has traditionally been considered incurable. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Laminitic horses can be healed.

Laminitis Text Book – The Pony That Did Not Die
See Rocky's Success Story and read how Linda found this book invaluable in the rehabilitation of her 22 year old Warmblood.
Equine patients with serious laminitis are routinely euthanased because the ‘disease’ has traditionally been considered incurable. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Laminitic horses can be healed.

Sharon May-Davis Video
Sharon's palpable equine muscles video is an absolute must have for anyone working with horses – owners, trainers, riders, body therapists and vets alike.