
Extended Learning with Sharon May-Davis

The response we have had from attendees at Sharon May-Davis’ workshops has been fantastic and it is great that horse owners are wanting to broaden their equine education for their favourite equine friends.

Scroll down for workshop dates and information.

A journey of discovery…

Not only do you get to explore the internal organs and how they show us the inner workings of a horse, but also the synergistic relationships between them and the horse’s ability to perform. Little nuances tell us so much about the horse’s life beforehand, such as; gastric ulcers, depleted / disarranged structures of the adrenal gland, weak heart muscle / valves, tumors and much, much more. Even the blood has characteristics that lead us along a journey of evaluating premortem pain.

We also look at the muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, fascia and anything else that we find along the way that not only shows us a normal horse, but more importantly the variables that make them different. For example; have you seen a transitional vertebra? What is it and more importantly can it limit performance? The answer is yes and it is this knowledge through palpation that we can help those that are still alive and being worked. I encourage you to palpate these structures and to feel the different textures so that you have a better understanding when you meet up with the living.

When we look at a horse it is the anatomic limiting factors that help us make the necessary decisions to choose a suitable riding companion. In my dissections, we travel these pathways and discuss what it means to the ridden horse and even more beneficial, is that when we move the limb, back, pelvis, head/neck as a biomechanical lesson, it furthers the understanding that these limitations affect us as riders and the horse’s ability to carry and perform for us.

As always, this journey is accomplished with respect and especially, grateful acknowledgement to the horse who has given up its secrets for us to learn from.

So with that in mind, we hope to see you soon.

Upcoming Standing Dissection Workshops

Friday 2nd – Sunday 4th May 2025
Yarck, Victoria
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Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd August 2025
Yarck, Victoria
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sharonmaydavisAbout Sharon

M.App.Sc. (Rural) – 4 equine thesi B.App.Sc. (Equine) Advanced Certification Horse  Management (1 year full time study) Equine Body Work: Advanced Equine Massage ; Equine Myofascial Release; Equine Cranio-sacral Techniques; Certificate of Honour (Honourary) Midway College Kentucky.

Sharon May-Davis is a world-renowned Equine Therapist and Scientist. Her experience with performance horses has spanned nearly 45 years and boasts clients representing Australia in four equestrian disciplines. Her practical applications have been supported by an array of academic qualifications that have been obtained at Tertiary and University levels in Australia and the United States of America. These include a Bachelor of Applied Science (Equine), a Research and Coursework Master’s Degree (4 Equine Thesi) and numerous Equine Therapeutic qualifications and currently completing her Ph.D.

In addition, Sharon has taught equine subjects at various educational facilities for nearly 25 years and spoken at many seminars, expositions and workshops in Australia and overseas. One particular highlight occurred in 2005, when she spoke at the World Expo in Achii Japan on three equine subjects.

Over the years, Sharon has earned two descriptive nicknames – “The Bone Lady” and “Equine CSI”. This was due to her research into equine anatomy and skeletal articulations, and as a direct consequence, Midway College Kentucky awarded her a “Certificate of Honor” in recognition. This was soon followed by her appointment as the Equine Anatomical Consultant for Edu-Corp Inc., America.

Sharon’s devotion to performance horses and her comprehensive understanding of associated anatomy and athletic ability has seen her develop specific techniques relevant to various equine disciplines and rehabilitation. As a direct consequence, horses have improved their athletic capabilities and the record books verify their accomplishments. However, none of this could have been achieved without the knowledge of what lay beneath the outer layer of hair and skin. With this in mind, Sharon is always striving to understand the variations that lie within and thus, is looking forward to presenting this clinic so that we all may gain from the experience.

Our new unique standing dissection is without a doubt, one of the most innovative ways to present equine anatomy and biomechanics.  The participant is able to view all angles of the horse and envisage left and right anatomical features in a comparative format as the layers peel away.  Perhaps one of the greatest benefits is the palpation that this method allows.

The student can freely palpate the non-dissected side for a comparative interpretation, and this in itself is an invaluable lesson.

The biomechanics of the limbs are further enhanced when mobility becomes available.  The standing dissection allows for a greater range of movement and therefore how the limb influences the upper body whilst in motion.

It truly is a ‘must go to’ event for the avid and serious horse person.